Can I Mix CBD with Nicotine?

Woman Vaping CBD Without Nicotine

Although people like to vape nicotine as a way to stop smoking cigarettes and to enjoy CBD e-liquid separately through a similar device, it is not wise to mix nicotine and CBD vape juice.

But what will happen if you combine CBD vape oil with your e-liquid? Also, what are the differences between CBD and nicotine? The curious and intricate world of CBD products and nicotine dependence is something that vapers should know about, whether as one or a combination of the two. Let’s explore whether they can mix and the best way to use CBD safely.

Can I Mix CBD Oil With E-Liquid?

Before we begin to compare the difference between CBD and nicotine, it’s important to clear up a common misconception. When people individually or the CBD industry as a whole refer to ‘CBD oil’, they’re referring to the drops you place under the tongue, soak into the cheeks for absorption and then swallow after roughly 90 seconds. 


Even when discussing ‘CBD vape oil’, it is not the same Cannabidiol (CBD) extract that you should add to your vape pod or mod. This is because it’s produced using a different distillation method, too thin in consistency to vape and simply not compatible or beneficial to your device. CBD oil drops, which are often Full or Broad Spectrum, should under no terms be mixed with traditional e-liquid. 


You can buy specifically made CBD e-liquids to vape, which is also referred to as ‘CBD vape juice’. They typically contain extracts of CBD isolate. Vaping is one of the best ways to deliver CBD into your system, inhaling into the lungs and making its way to the bloodstream within minutes. You can smoke CBD oil in a similar style to cigarettes with a vape pen starter kit. This method is much faster than other methods such as tinctures or edibles, which can take hours to digest. 


Of course, we all have our preferences, so it depends on the way you prefer to add CBD to your daily routine. Just remember that a compatible CBD vape juice contains food production compounds such as Vegetable Glycerin and Propylene Glycol which create easier vaporisation. By comparison, CBD oil drops have a different carrier which can not be vaped successfully. Should you attempt it, expect damage to your device!


Does CBD E-Liquid Contain Nicotine?


If you weren't aware, nicotine stems from the tobacco plant and although harmless on its own, it’s an addictive substance added to cigarettes and vaping products. A key difference in the vaping industry is the greater control you have. You can choose different strengths and even remove nicotine completely if required. While nicotine is present in many popular e-liquids for vaping starter kits, CBD e-liquids contain no nicotine. CBD vape juice is a subtle blend of the Cannabidiol (CBD) extract from the Cannabis plant, VG, PG and only a minute legal amount of THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that causes the high. All legal CBD oils and vape juices in the UK should be below 0.2% THC.


It’s then used together with a vaporiser that has a refillable e-liquid tank. To maximise flavour, your best option would be to choose a flavoured e-liquid or a Terpene infused ‘vape oil’, inhaling the substance by mimicking the sensation of smoking a cigarette without damaging your health. It’s better not to build your own CBD e-liquid and instead go with a trusted product that’s created in a certified laboratory following government guidelines.

Can You Add Nicotine to CBD Vape Juice?


Neither ready-made CBD E-liquid or CBD Oil drops contain any nicotine for a reason. First of all, if you’re looking into the potential benefits of taking CBD, you will not want to become addicted to it when blended with nicotine. It should support your routines naturally. While it’s physically possible to add nicotine shots to your CBD e-liquid, it’s not advised or popular with those who take CBD already to do so. The nicotine will only dilute the PG in your CBD vape juice, which is already typically thin.


Why Does CBD Work Best When Vaped?


Both CBD e-liquid and oil drops are extracted from the legal and industrial hemp plant – the key difference is the liquid that delivers the CBD to your system. It’s always deemed best to vape CBD oil because it accesses the bloodstream faster than a food item baked with CBD or applied in a cream. CBD oils typically use high quality and natural olive oil, in contrast to CBD e-liquid. 

Do not mix this with your vape juice! The combination of CBD oil and e-liquid will leave a pretty bad taste in your mouth, not to mention clogged up coils in your vaporiser.


It’s safe to say that if you’re looking to start vaping CBD and don’t already vape nicotine, then there will be no need to start your nicotine addiction now. Opt for a simple starter kit, which will include all you need to start vaping CBD straight away.

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